Monica Rougeau

GOAL BLOCKERS: Resistance is inevitable – your response is optional!

We’re in the fourth quarter, and we’re not just closing out the year. This is the season of reflection and renewal and to actively discern God’s calling for the new one. As we begin drafting our S.M.A.R.T. goals for 2025, we need to acknowledge and plan for the resistance that is bound to show up. Our drive and purpose WILL be challenged!

Below are six common Goal Blockers and how to keep GROWing forward with focus and intentionality.

  1. G – Go Small
    Avoid “biting off more than you can chew.” Staring down a big goal can be overwhelming. Take those big goals and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps that build momentum over time.
  2. R – Regular Effort
    Lack of consistency takes more energy as we start and stop. It will be more difficult to gain traction. Consistency fuels progress. Slow, steady effort will always outlast bursts of unsustainable energy.
  3. O – Opt for Gratitude
    Negativity stifles productivity. Gratitude lifts the mood and reduces stress. It clears your mind and strengthens your ability to solve problems.
  4. W – Welcome Failure
    Fear of failure can stop us in our tracks. Embracing and reflecting on failures is an integral step on the pathway to growth. Every setback provides valuable wisdom to be gained.
  5. T – Toss Out Excuses
    Excuses are a tactic to pull back into our comfort zone. Recognizing and releasing them will help to keep you moving forward.
  6. H – Hold to Priorities
    FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) or other “good” opportunities are simply distractions to veer us off track. Protect your priorities by remaining focused on the vision of your goals.

Stay focused on your goals, keep your G.R.O.W.T.H. mindset, and turn resistance into resilience for 2025!

FREE Downloadable PDFs below

Goal Blockers     SMART Goals

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Elevare’s ‘Charisms & Culture’ workshop revitalizes parishes and empowers pastors for dynamic community growth.