There is often confusion surrounding what leadership really means. When asked to define it, people’s responses can vary greatly. Elevare’s aim is to shed light on the true nature of Servant Leadership and how we can all enhance our character and skills to embody it.

In essence, leadership can be summed up in one word: influence. It’s your ability to influence someone else to do something they wouldn’t normally do on their own. The objective of leadership is to unite others behind a shared vision and guide them towards a common goal. The most successful and sustainable way to achieve this is through servant leadership – leading with a genuine desire to will the good of the other. Simply put, to lead with love.

In my book, Behind The Curtain: Discovering the Servant Leader Within, I examine St. Paul’s definition of what love is and its significance in a leadership context. This excerpt, which you can download below for free, serves as a tool to measure your own progress as a servant leader.

As we focus this month on God’s love and mercy in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, how are you examining your style of leadership? How well are you leading with love?

With respect and love,

Interested in learning more about how other leadership strategies and coaching can help you be a more successful Servant Leader? One-on-one coaching sessions for 2023 are still available.

I would love to hear from you!

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